Monday, May 9, 2011

Water For Elephants

Director: Francis Lawrence
Past films: Constantine, I Am Legend
Future films: Marco Polo, Snow and the Seven

Cast: Reese Witherspoon, Robert Pattinson, Christoph Waltz

Length: 120 min.
Type: Feature - Based on Novel

This is a pretty ok film for a clownphobia. A nicely told story with beautiful pictures and some nice CGI but Christophe Waltz is the same, Reese Witherspoon is not a fantasy, Robert Pattinson's role didn't grow to a man after all he has been through, and the elephant stole the whole show. The script missed depth, the characters missed works, and the film missed the magic to be spectacular. Basically it's a story of an old man looking for a job.
Maybe the book is better?